Saturday, February 17, 2007

Woe is Me & My Dark Ass

Seeing Eye Chick wrote me some awesome poetry and posted it to her blog! I love you Seeing Eye Chick. You Rawk!

Here it is:

"A poem for AmGothia over at American Gothic Daily.

Oh Woe is me and my dark ass

For I have a sense of entitlement that can never be fullfilled.

My Existential Angst is branded and its too much for you sunshine!

I am an expert in Pain! Self Inflicted, Penile Puncture, tattooed testes, ribbed for MY Pleasure.

Spank me Spank Me Vampire Mama,

Because I am a bad little blood-sucking sugar teat.

My bonded fangs sucking the joy out of white middle class suburbia-- My split tongue lapping at the bowl of my mediocrity.

I Whine Incessantly,

For the demonic other to fill my soul with specialness.

Chicks really dig that.

But I know if I were to actually see a Demon, I would crap my pants.

Only German Chicks, really dig that.

So I dress in Black, and I color my eyes a dramatic shade of midnight, To signify the darkness my soul allegedly dwells within.

Feel sorry me, I am so dark, I am so lonely, bUT powerful damnit!

Oh woe is me and my dark ass."


Blogger Seeing Eye Chick said...

I was thinking of, well some of the folks I have seen whining online over the years. You know the ones I mean :)
Sometimes, even pathological idiocy can inspire a person to great artistic heights.
Or engender the need for a barf bag. It could go either way.
glad I could give you a chuckle.

February 23, 2007 8:25 PM  

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